Before I get into our day, I'll backtrack about the previous night. We arrived at Motel 6, and found ourselves presented with a "swapportunity". In our room (yes, we are sharing a room for the 5 week stent), there was one double bed and one twin bed. We were settled on who would get the big bed--I lost--but before we turned in for the night, our "neighbors"....the 2 people also living in motel 6.... mentioned that they both had rooms to themselves and that their rooms contained 2 double beds, one that was not being used in each room. They offered to switch us beds, but then we discovered the spare room was unlocked. We decided to swap the bed in the spare room with the twin bed in our room. We only took the box springs and mattress and left the frame in case we needed to move it back. We didn't hear of anyone else moving in, but you never know.
....But then you find out. Monday morning, probably about 30 minutes into our first day, our preceptor comes strolling in asking to take one of us back to motel 6 with him to move the beds back. Apparently, we caused some serious friction between the housing guy and our preceptor. No one thought it was a big deal besides the new "roommate"/"neighbor" and the housing guy, but they were not backing down. Everything was our fault and we were so out of line for touching that bed. To use their exact words, "It's like a hotel. You don't go stealing things from someone else's room!" Whoops. What a way to start off the week.
On to the rest of the morning....
That was really the only interesting part of the day, so I'll skip to after work.
Just to throw this out there, we are dead set on losing weight and getting fit out here. Mainly, because there's not much else to do. Really, there's nowhere to eat or drink anything safe, so we are living off tuna, granola bars, and bottled water. We brought our little friend Insanity to help us along the way. Today was Day 1, and between the out-of-shape bod and the churning stomach, it pretty much kicked my butt. But I did it. Well, most of it. We'll see how this goes. There's really no excuse to fall off the wagon out here, so that's a plus.
Another big goal for the trip was to go hiking a lot. Major problem with this plan- we had been warned numerous times about the not-so-friendly people, the rattle snakes, and the buffalo. I'm not sure how most people feel about that nice little trifecta, but it doesn't sit very well with me. I was definitely nervous.
We headed out and started our mission to find a hiking trail. We spotted a lake and slammed on the breaks. The weather could not have been more perfect. Here are a few pictures....
Looks like Heaven! |
Ghost Hawk Lake |
Our first adventure on the Res |
Buffalo? |
We decided to hike up the hill to get a good workout, but I think we walked too slow to burn any real calories. We were too afraid of snakes to look up from our feet most of the way up! We are so pathetic. It was pretty steep for the first 10 minutes, so we got a little workout in :) Both of us were huffing and puffing by the time we got to the top. But it was so rewarding! Beautiful views all around....
From the top! |
Enjoying the weather and view from the top |