Thursday, May 31, 2012

Time to "size up"

I heard the term "size up" a couple of years ago and it just came to my mind again while I was looking in the mirror getting ready. Unfortunately, it means (in case you haven't figured it out already) that your clothes are too small and you look horrible in them. The muffin top is back, the shirts seem to be shrunken, and I can see every lump and bump on me! AHH! Since I ran the half marathon I have completely fallen off the wagon! My body was pretty beat up so I took a week (or 3) off of running. And working out all together. And eating consciously. I have been bad bad bad!

I have gotten back on the wagon and I have decided to take it slow and steady. No crazy diets, no crazy workout regimens, no herbals/vitamins, etc. Good old moderate diet and exercise! I am trying to take small, easy steps to cut calories. Here are a few of my REALLY SIMPLE tricks:

1. Don't put cheese on something if you won't be able to taste it.
2. Instead of having something on a bun/wrap, put it over a bowl of lettuce.
3. Instead of condiments for flavor, use fruit and veggies (i.e. tomatoes, onions cilantro on a sandwich instead of ketchup, ranch, or mayo)
3. Sub water for soda/lemonade/etc
4. Sub black coffee + Splenda and skim milk instead of a latte! --> THIS IS A HUGE ONE FOR ME!

Along with my attempt at these diet modifications, I am back into working out. I have given up on work out partners and resorted to having my boyfriend be my "trainer". I have him make workouts for me and he asks me about them daily.... so, pretty much I have to do them or I'll feel super guilty having to tell him "no, I was too lazy today to work out". My knees have been giving me hell lately, so I've been doing some swimming instead of just running every day. He gives me a few strengthening exercises to do in the morning, and then a cardio workout in the evening. Here are a couple of examples..... you can join my regimen if you'd like!!

Yesterday Morning-
  • "Crazy Ivans" - ab exercise from Nike Training Club app
  • "Fire Hydrants" - I don't know where the name came from, but I think most people call it this? leg-lift sort of move
  • Mountain Climbers
Yesterday Evening-
  • Swimming 20 laps
This morning-
  • Burpees
  • Push-ups
  • Sit-ups
  • Nike Training Club workout (30 min calesthenics/cardio)
I have been back on my on again off again relationship with the My Fitness Pal app also. I have my calories set at 1000 per day, and I loosely go by that. As long as I'm under 1200 (net, so subtracting my workout calories burned) I am happy with it. Anything less than that is not very sustainable long term for me.

Anywhoo... that's all I have for now, I'm hoping to have some success and smaller love handles by my next post!

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